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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters.

I Will Never Stop Loving Taylor Swift! 

I mean, how could you? After of what she's done for music? For women? For the LGBTQ community? There's simply no good reason why people should and would hate her. Unless, of course, they just like hating people in general. In any case, they don't deserve our time and attention at all! 

I had the great privilege of meeting this Queen when she performed at a morning talk show in New York. She was there to promote her new album, "Lover," which was about to drop at that time. Boy, she was amazing! She got literally thousands of people to get to Central Park and just worship her! Of course, I was one of them! I simply love her. And she's just as amazing live as she is anywhere else. She's also more beautiful in person too! 

Honestly, I was kind of nervous that I wasn't going to meet her. There were that many people! You would have thought I was in the middle of an arena during one of her concert tours. But I wasn't. We were all just in Central Park hoping to see Taylor Swift. And because there were so many people, I almost lost hope that I would be able to get my "Lover" posters signed.

But trust T. Swift to be an angel. After her performance and interview, she stayed for a while as she greeted fans. This was my chance and you bet your behind I took it! I rallied to the front, waited patiently, and within a few minutes. I was in front of the Queen. I could barely gather myself, she was so amazing! I faintly asked her to sign my posters and what do you know? She did! Not only that, she signed all of them. She didn't care they were basically the same posters. Taylor Swift signed all of my copies. A queen indeed! 

Here's to hoping this new decade will be just as phenomenal to T. Swift as the 2010s were! She was already crowned the Queen of the decade (by countless legitimate publications, no less!), dominating the 2020s will be a breeze for her! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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