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Getting Mister Universe's Autograph!

Everyone knows the Miss Universe pageant right? Countries from all around the world send female representatives where they prance around on stage in their swimsuits and such. Well, did you know, decades ago, there was a male equivalent to the Miss Universe pageant? Yup, there was a Mister Universe contest, and I just got the autograph of its most famous titleholder! 

Who, you ask, is this man? It's none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger! The Terminator himself! In fact, it was his winning the body-building contest that helped him rise to fame in the late 60s. And now, he's every bit a Hollywood icon as Marilyn Monroe and Fred Astaire! 

Maybe because he's still the frickin' Terminator! Talk about an everlasting role! In the latest installment, "Terminator: Dark Fate," the former California governor reprises his role as the warm-hearted cyborg. And it's here that he reunited with Sarah Connor, who's still played by the fierce Linda Hamilton! 

I got the privilege to meet these legends, as well as the new cast who'll likely continue the franchise once these two no longer can, during its red carpet Hollywood premiere. About Schwarzenegger, he's still a monument of a man. He must be in his 70s by now, but he still looks incredibly in shape. If he entered a Mister Universe competition again, he'll likely win it all or at least be a runner-up! 

I could say the same about Linda Hamilton too (about the whole being in shape thing!). She's honestly looking better than ever and she was rocking that silver buzz-cut like no one's business! 

I honestly feel honored I got to meet these Hollywood legends. At what might be their last reprisals of their iconic roles in cinema history, I was able to get their autographs! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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