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A Rendezvous with Two Screen Legends Late at Night

A great perk for autograph hounds here in New York City is getting to watch late-night talk shows live. A lot of the most popular on TV right now are filmed in the Big Apple, and as part of their press junkets, countless celebrities have gone here to talk with the popular hosts. Just recently, two-screen legends did just that. 

When I say these actors are legends, I frickin' mean it! They're a 'dame' and a 'sir' for crying out loud! It's Dame Helen Mirren and Sir Ian McKellen! 'Queen Elizabeth II' herself and 'Gandalf' himself! They graced a particularly popular late-night talk show recently to promote their film together, “The Good Liar,” and I and two people in my team were lucky enough to be in the audience. 

Now, I have to say, these are proper movie stars. They know their craft and they've accumulated decades of superb performances. Just being in the same studio with them, and especially since they're British, made us feel more sophisticated than we actually are. 

After the live-taping, we immediately went to the stage door to get them to sign our posters. Even then, I was more starstruck seeing them face to face. Ian McKellen, in particular, who had portrayed iconic roles in my childhood; namely Gandalf and Magneto. I even think he was flirting with me which, even as a straight man, I felt honored. Did I attract one of the most acclaimed actors in the world? Damn, I must be that good-looking! just Kidding!

As for Dame Mirren, now she was sex appeal all the way. Excuse me, Sir Ian, but I'm a bit more interested in your co-star! She defined silver-hair fox in the ladies category. Forget about zaddy, she was a hot momma all the way! Yet, she still had that regal bearing that really made her fit for the role of 'Queen Elizabeth II.' So much so, I think one of the girls in my team actually curtsied in front of her. Lol! 

There's truly nothing like a dame! But there's also nothing like two screen legends onscreen together! Here's to hoping more and more icons work together just like Dame Helen Mirren and Sir Ian McKellen! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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