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Braving A Star Wars Premiere to Get Obi-Wan Kenobi's Autograph 

In all my years autograph-hounding, attending Star Wars premieres will always be the craziest. Though I'm a huge fan, some of their biggest followers can get a bit crazy at times. Cosplaying, screaming their lungs out, some may have even fainted right in front of the actors. And I don't deny, I would have done the same for one of the franchise's best actors: Ewan McGregor. 

At the premiere of "Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones" particularly, Ewan McGregor was one of the biggest movie stars at the time. "Moulin Rouge!" had already premiered at the time, making him one of the most in-demand stars. And so, naturally, I wanted his autograph. Even more so, with due respect, those of Hayden Christensen's, Natalie Portman's, and Samuel L. Jackson's. Though I wanted theirs and got theirs all the same, I was most focused on McGregor. And it was more difficult than I thought. 

The premiere was crazy! There were little girls dressed up as Queen Amidala (big hair and white makeup and all), some had big posters, and everyone was screaming. It was one of the pinnacles of Star Wars mania, which was why it often surprises me that not a lot of fans like the prequels. I honestly thought I would lose my hearing with all the shouting that surrounded me. And with all the shoving, I was sure McGregor was going to pass me. But, being the nice guy that he is, he actually helped me push through the aggressive fans. Because of him, some of the fans made way for me and he signed all of my posters. 

Apart from just their signatures, I rarely care more about stars. But ever since that good deed of his, I've been a big fan of Ewan McGregor! I just hope many other people experience the same kindness in other crazy red carpet premieres as I did that day! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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