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Always Trust a Friend's Intuition When It Comes to Animated Films

Sometimes, as film-lovers, we will have to concede that animated films are often hard to understand. One never really knows how successful it will become unless he/she has become an expert at it. When "Despicable Me" premiered, I really didn't think it will become the huge success that it is now. But my friend did. 

And thank goodness she did, or else, I wouldn't have this mini collection of signed "Despicable Me" posters! I almost gave up the opportunity to meet the cast and have them sign the posters of what ultimately became one of the most successful animated movie franchises in the 21st century so far. 

I initially thought that since the only star worth noting in the cast was Steve Carell (and maybe to an extent, Miranda Cosgrove), that it wasn't worth my time waiting for him at the red carpet premiere. But my friend convinced me, I met him, Cosgrove, and the other cast members, and my posters were signed. 

But after the movie blew up, earned millions, and the minions became a phenomenon, I knew I struck gold with my signed posters. Have a little luck and faith in your friends, fellow autograph hounds! You never know just how valuable what you might get or have because of them! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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