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A Smashing Time with The Smashing Pumpkins

Even though The Smashing Pumpkins has had countless lineup changes, they've always been my favorite. And I'm always so impressed by how well new members can easily adapt to The Smashing Pumpkins identity. It's as if they've always been part of the band since they first debuted in the 1980s. 

But what I love most about this band is that they know how to have a good time. Or to make a god time an even greater time. Not just with their music, but by their personalities too. They once held a fan event that I was lucky to have attended. My buddy Rick and I have been hardcore fans since the late 90s. We've memorized all the rock stars that have been part of the band, been to countless concerts, and always buy legit memorabilia. You might call us groupies, but we're not ones to show our tits at them. Not that they'd like to see them anyways. 

The best part about that night was that my buddy Rick, having been one of the most fervent fans and one of the leaders of The Smashing Pumpkins Fanclub, had backstage access to the event. He promised me that after the event, he'd get me to meet the members. And what an event it was! The band played their hearts out on that stage. They really do sound better live. Having been to many of their concerts, this is a fact I've confirmed again and again, even with every lineup change. 

Furthermore, they also had a heart-to-heart talk with us, the fans. They explained all the trials and tribulations they face as a band. And why they're one of few who always seem to have a new member every time they release a new album. Even better was that some of the old members attended the event too. They shared why they left the band and what they missed most about it. It was such an insightful discussion that I fell more in love with them by the end of it. 

And as promised, when the night was through, Rick got me backstage. There, I met a lot of the current and former The Smashing Pumpkins members. It was honestly the most exciting part of my life as one of their fans. I took a selfie with them and asked for their autographs. Not everyone signed it though, but I didn't care. I still had the legacy of this amazing band on my posters. 

Any music lover out there should listen to The Smashing Pumpkins! You're missing out on a great and legendary band if you don't! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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