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Winning Big for Clint Eastwood!

Ain't life funny sometimes? Just when you think something will go one way, it goes the opposite direction. When you expected the expected, the unexpected happens. And when you try your luck at something—one of the rare times that you do, you end up winning big! And by big I mean huge! 

It happened recently to me. There's a semi-exclusive vintage store near where I live in LA and this isn't your ordinary vintage store. This is the sort of store that sells priceless memorabilia signed by some of the greatest. A baseball bat with Babe Ruth's autograph on it. A coffee mug that once belonged to Susan Sontag. A sparkly dress that Lana Turner once wore at an exclusive Hollywood event. There were so many things there that are worth fortunes. But one time, they actually decided to give out a collection of movie posters that I needed for myself. Not just want, needed! 

It was a stack of copies of the movie poster for "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly," the classic western that starred my Hollywood idol, Clint Eastwood. He's been my favorite actor since my folks first allowed me to watch this film when I was very young. It was my first taste of what a great leading man was like. So when I found out about their new contest, of which the grand prize was this stack of posters signed by the cast of the movie—including Clint Eastwood—I just had to have them! 

The contest was simple: I just had to answer a few trivia questions about the film and submit my answer sheet to the register of the shop. But then, I'm sure many people would have as perfect a score as I would have, so the nest part was that for those who get a perfect score, the shop will still have to randomly pick out the winner to be fair. Trying my luck, I answered a form and gave it to the shop. 

And to my complete and utter surprise, lady luck was on my side! I won the stack of posters! I was extremely surprised and happy that finally, I won something. Something that I really wanted! Now, I've displayed one of them in the living room of my house to show it off. The rest of them, on the other hand, I'm sharing with all of you here! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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