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Watching A Basketball Game with Drake

Going to NBA games live is always a lot of fun. Not because of the amazing game, but because celebrities often watch them as well. One time that I'll never forget was when I watched a championship game with Drake. No, we didn't go together or anything like that. But I did come prepared. 

Now, this was a championship game wherein Drake's favorite team, the Toronto Raptors, was playing. I know that if his team won, he'd be all over the place and would mind signing some autographs for fans out of sheer glee. So I went to the game with a few copies of his "Scorpion" poster with me, hoping he'd sign them if his team won. But that was the challenge of the night I couldn't control: whether his team will win or not. 

It was definitely a great game, and both teams obviously did their best. But in the end. the Toronto Raptors won and Drake was out of control. Similarly to the antics he has shown courtside before, the rapper couldn't help himself but celebrate that his favorite team won. And it doesn't hurt that he's the face of the team as well and possibly a patron of some sort. Anyways, now it was time for me to make my move. 

While exiting the stadium I saw that a huge group was already gathering. I looked closer to see what was going on and, lo and behold, it was Drake signing all kinds of stuff people were bringing to him. It was my chance! I scuttled through the crowd and, with my unimaginable luck, got to the rapper. I asked him to sign my posters, each and every one, and, without blinking, he did. He was also in such a great mood at that time that it was entertaining to watch. 

Take it from me, sometimes, the best moments to ask for an autograph is when the celebrity is in a good mood. They're not always in good moods, so it can be tricky. When they are, getting to sign anything is as easy as pie! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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