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All Hail for the Queen of the Gays: Carly Rae Jepsen!

Some of y'all might just know Carly Rae Jepsen for her debut hit, "Call Me Maybe." Y'all were probably basic enough to make a goofy video of yourselves lipsyncing to is (don't worry, we all did!). But make no mistake, Ms. Jepsen ain't no one-hit-wonder! She's become so good, she is now one of the queens of the gays! 

Pretty much what Taylor Swift is trying to do, Carly Rae Jepsen has captured the heart of the LGBTQ+ community. Her songs just resonate with us better. From her bop pop songs that have become gay club mainstays to those emotional ballads that we just want to curl up in a ball and cry our eyes out while listening to. She may not have become as mainstream as other artists, but we're happy enough that she's our queen. 

Of course, as a gay twink myself, I had to pay reverence to the monarch. I put on my best and most colorful outfit and went to her concert. As I expected, it was totally lit. With her energy and her light, she really knew how to work for a crowd. She was adorable and playful, like the bestie you had that you once thought you'd marry when you grew up before you realized you were gay. All throughout the night, she had major big dick energy and I was just living for it. 

To my surprise, however, her "BDE" didn't die down once she finished her performance. During her meet-and-greet, she was just as energetic as she was on stage. She wasn't tired or exhausted, and she still looked fresh considering she just spent the last three hours under major spotlights. Now that's a queen for the gays if there ever was one! I went in line and waited for like an hour or so before I got the chance to meet her.

Once it was my turn, I felt the energy within me too. That's how Carly Rae Jepsen gets hers on her concerts I guess. She's this succubus queen that sucks on the energy of gays who come near her. Just kidding! Anyways, she really was still full of energy when I go to her, which was such a sight to see. I asked ehr to sign my posters (which were quite a few, not just one) and she did every single one! What a queen! 

This girl deserves more attention from straight people, I swear! She's so underrated and it's not even funny anymore! Are you listening, straight people of the world? You're missing out on a gem here! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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