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The Prettiest Woman I Ever Did See!

If there's one movie that has a title that really describes what it's all about, it's "Pretty Woman." Julia Robers really is, in my opinion, the personification of "pretty." She's not "supermodel" pretty, but her beauty is just so inviting, appealing, alluring, and attractive. I should know, I've actually seen her in person! 

I had the privilege to have worked in an entertainment media company that was well-known in Hollywood. So every so often, we get to invite major celebs, interview them, and feature them across all our channels. It was when I was working here that I met the cast of "Pretty Woman." They were reuniting for the film's 25th anniversary. Most of them were there: Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Hector Elizondo and more! I couldn't believe my eyes! Not because the cast of one of my favorite movies was right before my eyes, but because most of them look exactly as they did in the film! 

Julia Roberts, the titular "Pretty Woman" herself, looked especially good! She matured, yes, but she still had that youthful glow, that girl(now woman!)-next-door appeal, and, of course, her signature smile! She really looked pretty in every sense of the word! Before I watched the movie, I always found it weird that they'd cast a woman like Roberts in a role that's supposed to be a hooker. Only then when I watched the movie did I realize just how perfect she was for it! 

And the icing on the cake? That Roberts and the rest of the cast were all nice! Sure, they were intimidating to a degree—they are Hollywood A-listers, after all!—but there wasn't an air of arrogance around them! They were personable, kind, and at times, even humble! How do I know this? Because after they interviewed the cast, I went in and asked for their autographs right then and there! My boss allowed me to even though it might have been embarrassing but I didn't care! I went in for the kill and got myself the autographs of a lifetime! 

I was most impressed by Richard Gere. I never would have thought that he'd be as gung-ho on signing posters as he was at that time. I've always thought of him as this kind of aloof celebrity that preferred to be left alone by the fans. I mean, I hardly see him in talk shows, appearing in variety shows, and the like. He's above doing that, I guess. But still, he had no qualms fulfilling a request of a lowly staff member of a medical company. I was so touched, especially since he signed most of my posters. 

What didn't surprise me, however, was that Julia Roberts was game to do it too! I've always thought of her as one of, if not the nicest celebrity out there! She, too, had no problem giving her autographs and singing a lot of posters all at once. She didn't even give it a second thought! She went right to signing them as if it was nothing! She's truly amazing! 

Afterward, the rest of the cast also signed the posters, completing most of their autographs on all of them. I was extremely grateful for them as well, it's just that it was still mind-blowing that these two leads, bonafide living legends, just gave me their autographs that time! 

Because of that moment, "Pretty Woman" skyrockets to the top of my list of favorite movies! I already enjoyed watching it before, but now, it's a lot more special to me! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.
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