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The Only Group of Nazis I've Ever Cared To Meet

Trust Quentin Tarantino to get me to become a fan of a group of Nazis. And I'm a Jew, for crying out loud! After I watched his stunning film, "Inglorious Basterds," suddenly I wanted to go back in time during World War II and meet the frightening Nazis, especially the one Christopher Waltz played.

Still, meeting the actors who portrayed these vile creatures was way better than actually meeting such monsters. I went to the red carpet premiere for the film and it was the first time I've ever been so starstruck. I don't usually go to these sorts of events. Yeah, I lived in LA—near Hollywood, in fact—but that scene never really enticed me. Meeting celebrities was nice, sure, but I wasn't an autograph hound or something like that. But in that premiere, I became one! That's how powerful Tarantino got me with this whirlwind of a WWII flick! 

The first one I got to meet was Michael Fassbender. At that time, he wasn't that famous yet so I wasn't over the moon when he signed my posters. I did like him in the film though, and I still appreciated that he gave me his autograph. Little did I know, he'd be Magneto and eventually make me one of his biggest fans. Then came Diane Kruger. My, what a beauty! She was ravishing in the movie, but in real life, she's so much more dazzling! I couldn't stop staring at her face when she signed my posters. I do hope she didn't think I was weird! 

Two of my favorite actors in the movie, Daniel Bruhl and Christophe Waltz, came next. Ahh, the Nazis! If they weren't so likable, I would ahve loved hating their piece of sh*t characters! But, let's be honest, their roles were amazing. And both of them knocked it out of the park. I predicted correctly that Waltz would wipe the floor with the accolades during the awards season. And because of that, I became more proud that they signed my posters. I got an Oscar winner's autograph! 

And finally, Hollywood's lead man himself, Brad Pitt. He oozed charisma and sex appeal even when he wore a suit on the red carpet. Before, I never really knew why women fell head over heels for him. But seeing him in person, I found out why. He honestly gave one of his best performances of his career in this film. And I was felt so privileged that he gave me his autograph. I'm sure other people would have gone to great lengths for it! 

You're not a real Quentin Tarantino fan if you haven't watched "Inglorious Basterds!" Watch it for yourself however you can. It's an experience you'll never forget! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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