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The Most Talented People I've Ever Met! 

I recently got into autograph-hounding and it's lots of fun. Getting to meet big stars, having to touch them, and receiving their autographs—all of it has been a blast! I'll never forget one particular night when I met who I consider the most talented actors ever! The cast of "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent."

Nicholas Cage, Pedro Pascal, Tiffany Haddish—these are all incredible people! In the past few years, they've become some of my favorite Hollywood stars. And to think that they'd all get cast in one movie!? This blew my mind! I'm glad that it's a comedy too! I like it when Cage and Pascal do dramatic roles and all, but in my opinion, they shine even brighter when they do comedy. And when you throw Haddish and Ike Barinholtz into the mix, it's sure to be hilarious! 

I personally went to the movie premiere to get the cast's autographs. When I first got into it this hobby, Nicholas Cage was one of a handful of actors that I promised myself that I would meet someday. Never in a million years did I think I'd be able to fulfill that promise a lot sooner than I thought! 

I was starstruck the moment I saw him. Sure, he no longer looked like the guy in my favorite films of his, but he still has that undeniable star quality. And having the incomparable Pedro Pascal beside him was genius. There's just something about him (Pascal) that makes you feel like you're about to have a good time. Perhaps it's because he's such a happy and fun person in real life. I mean, I saw how cheeky he is myself when I saw him that night. And when I asked him to sign my movie posters, I could tell that he smiled at me genuinely. What guys, these two! 

Of course, when talking about a good time, you can't forget Tiffany Haddish! She looked amazing with her blonde hair and black sparkly dress. A true Hollywood diva! And what a personality too! Before I asked her for her autographs, she was already making her rounds with the press. Each time she was interviewed, she glowed unlike any other. How I wish most Hollywood celebrities were like here! 

If there's one thing that I was bummed about that night, it's that Neil Patrick Harris was a no-show. Luckily, however, my friend married a guy who worked on "How I Met Your Mother" back when it was airing. She told me that her husband became good friends with Harris and that he could get the actor to sign my posters too. Without a second thought, I sent her all my posters. After a few weeks, I got them back with Neil Patrick Harris's autograph. Don't you just love the amazing power of friendship? 

After that night, my love for autograph hounding grew even more. I doubt I'd ever encounter a cast as awesome as this one, though! But who knows? Maybe this movie will get a sequel? One can only hope! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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