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The Most Badass Infiltrator On Screen!

It's official! Bryan Cranston is the biggest badass Hollywood has ever seen! He was a badass father in "Malcolm In The Middle." He was a badass teacher and drug dealer in "Breaking Bad." And in 2016, he became a badass "The Infiltrator" movie audiences ever did see! 

Who knew that the actor who played an awkward father in a sitcom would one day have a career full of badass roles? Such is the greatness of Bryan Cranston. His 2016 film, "The Infiltrator," was one of the best crime thrillers I've seen in a long time. In fact, I haven't watched a movie of the same genre that has riveted me like that since! I was already a fan of his when he was on "Breaking Bad," but that movie really convinced me just how much of a badass he is! And I wanted his autograph! 

Luckily for me, the premiere took place in New York, where I live. I gathered up a couple of friends of mine who were also autograph hounds, we acquired posters of the movie, and we set off on getting the cast's autographs. Since we were four, each of us had at least one star assigned to get autographs from. I, of course, volunteered to get Bryan Cranston! There's no way I wouldn't pass off the chance to meet this badass legend! 

That night, despite all the hullabaloo one would expect in a red carpet movie premiere, we were still able to get our autographs. It helped that my three colleagues were loud people themselves. Let's just say it was fairly easy to get the cast members' attention. I'll never forget how beautiful Diane Kruger looked. She looked like a doll, like an old-school porcelain doll! I couldn't believe anyone could look that flawless. John Leguizamo, on the other hand, looked handsome in real life too. He was sweet and generous with his autographs. He didn't hesitate to sign all of our posters! 

Then the moment came! As John Leguizamo walked away after signing our posters, the next star approaching was none other than Bryan Cranston! I held my breath so hard, all of my colleagues heard my gasp. I mean, who wouldn't be left breathless at the presence of such a legend? Thank God he had a nice personality because if he was as intimidating as Walter White, I would have peed myself right then and there! He was tall, domineering, imposing, and again, so badass! 

Of course, Cranston turned out to be a great guy! He was so personable, chatting with us as he signed all of our posters. There wasn't a question he left unanswered even though his people were already rushing him to get to the next set of fans. I, on the other hand, was grinning from ear to ear. I mean, I already knew he was a nice person from seeing him in talk shows and such, but to actually see it in person and confirm that he really is like that in real life, it made me feel good for some reason. 

Anyways, any of you who hasn't watched "The Infiltrator" is missing out on one hell of a thriller! I'm never gonna get tired of saying this but Bryan Cranston (and the rest of the cast) was completely badass in this! 



Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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