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Meeting Clint Eastwood was More Intimidating Than I Ever Imagined

Out of all the actors that I've met in my years as an autograph hound, the most similar to his on-screen is Clint Eastwood. His squinty eyes, his intimidating demeanor, and his low breath voice—they're all real! I know this because I met him one year during the Oscars. 

More than just an autograph hound, I also used to work as an entertainment journalist for a now-defunct magazine. That televised awards ceremony was one of the events I needed to cover, so I brought along with me my "Gran Torino" movie posters to hit two birds with one stone. I remember it well. The red carpet was barraged with shouting photographers and screaming fans as stars made their way to the Dolby Digital theater in Hollywood for the Oscars. Being the legend that he is, Eastwood was one of the last to arrive. He barely even posed for the red carpet.

So how did I achieve getting his autograph? Well, I first approached him and asked some questions like the journalist that I am. I don't even remember what he said, I was too intimidated by how grand and great this star is. The tough guy you see in those 70s Westerns and 90s gangster films? He was right in front of me that night. I might have sweat a lot in front of him, but he was nice enough to ignore it, I guess (well, I hope!).

After answering all my questions, I was suddenly put in an awkward moment. His people suddenly talked to him while I stood there trying to muster up the encourage to ask for his autograph. I saw one of his assistants preparing to push me aside so he can go inside the theater until I finally did it. I gently asked him, as a longtime fan, if he would be kind enough to sign my posters. Luckily, he was in a particularly good mood at the time, so he did.

That's who you really get autographs: simply asking them. Most often than not, they will oblige. You just have to know your timing. And a good tip: don't stand awkwardly in front of that star, as much as you can! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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