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Jeff Bridges is Still 'The Dude' Man!

I love all my friends and family but I have yet to meet a guy as cool as Jeff Bridges. He's just so chill and laid-back, even though he's actually one of the best actors around. And how, you might ask, would I know this? Well, I've actually hung out with the guy! 

My wife actually knows his wife well. they grew up together and just a few years ago, when we moved to LA, they had just reconnected. At that time I didn't know this friend of hers. My wife would just happily tell me that she had finally met up with an old friend she hadn't seen for quite some time. Thinking about it now, I do find it weird she didn't say anything about the Jeff Bridges connection. Especially since she knows that "The Big Lebowski" was one of my most favorite films. I even have my own stack of copies of the movie's poster in our closet. 

It was only when my wife had a mini-reunion with her friends, Jeff Bridges' wife included, did I find out about this connection. And you know how I knew? Because Jeff Bridges actually went to the dinner! It was just a small evening gathering of the girls with their husbands. Little did I know, I'd be in the "husband's club" with Jeff-freakin'-Bridges! And that's how I first found out how cool this actor is. He was the life of the party but he wasn't arrogant or cocky. He made everyone comfortable even though many of us were intimidated in the presence of an Oscar winner. 

In fact, he was so nice, I got the courage to ask him to sign my "The Big Lebowski" posters the next time we met. This time it was at a birthday party for one of my wife's friends. Knowing the Bridges would show up, and not caring what my wife would think, in the middle of our conversation, I admitted to him how big of a fan I was. He was pleasantly shocked and even seemed humbled by my confession. I then revealed that I brought along my posters for him to sign. He said, "well, bring 'em over!" and he signed each and every one of them! 

Not only that, he told me he'd get some of the other cast members to sign them too! And after about a few months or so, I got them back with autographs from John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, Julianne Moore, and many others! Didn't I tell you he was cool!? 

No matter how many better and perhaps even more iconic roles he still has in his career, Jeff Bridges will always be 'The Dude' to me! He really is that cool a guy!


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above. 

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