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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters. At Your Service.

A Glamorous Night with Quentin Tarantino's Most Chilling Cast

As a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino, I've seen many of his works. In fact, I may have seen all of them. But personally, his film that shook me to my core was "Django Unchained." I still think that it was his finest film yet. While his later projects were good, this movie trumps them all. 

And so imagine my glee when my friend surprised me with tickets to the Oscars red carpet. I got to be one of those fans who cheer on the stars as they walked on the red carpet and posed for photographers. But also, it was my chance to meet the stellar cast of this amazing film. After seeing it a number of times in the theater, I quickly became huge admirers of Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Samuel L. Jackson. I've been a fan of the latter for many years now, but the first two, they had a new fan in me! 

Knowing the film would be up for a couple of awards that night, I brought along my posters to get them signed. At first, it was difficult. I had to compete with shouting photographers for their attention. But afterward, when they would approach some of the fans, I took my shot. 

First, it was Jamie Foxx. I shouted his name a couple of times before he finally took notice. Kerry Washington followed because she was just right behind him when it transpired. The man of the hour, Tarantino himself, signed my posters next. I remember he asked me how I got a few copies and I said I just got them from a nearby theater. He chuckled and then jokingly asked me to get him a few copies cause he was "running out." Classic Tarantino humor!

Finally, the two best actors in the cast, Leonard DiCaprio and Christophe Waltz, were the last two to sign my posters. I was especially starstruck by the former, but then it was the latter who won the Oscar that night so I then revered him more afterward. Overall, they both still signed my posters so it's not really that important anyways! 

I definitely enjoyed that night! I still think "Django Unchained" should have won 'Best Picture' but hey, whatcha gonna do? If the showbiz politics ain't on your side, you got nothing! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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