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I'll Always "Remember The Titans"

The 90s and early 2000s were an era of inspirational period films. "Dead Poets Society," "Mona Lisa Smile," and more. Many of them centered on inspirational teachers who influence their students to do better, come out of their shells, and realize their true potential. My personal favorite was "Remember The Titans." 

True to its name, "Remember The Titans" starred a bevy of Hollywood titans. There was Academy Award winner Denzel Washington, accomplished actor Will Patton, a fresh Ryan Gosling, a then-unknown Kate Bosworth, and a young Hayden Panettiere to boot. To make it even better, the movie was actually based on a real-life football coach, Herman Boone. But, to be quite honest, although all these reasons are what make this movie such a cult classic, I personally have a different reason as to why this is one of my favorites. Believe it or not, I've actually met the cast of "Remember The Titans" and got their autographs. 

I was lucky enough to have attended the premiere for "Remember The Titans" back when it premiered in 2000. It was quite the event, too! The red carpet was rolled out, cameras were flashing everywhere, and there was even a school band that performed as the stars arrived. It was one of the most festive movie premieres I've gone to. In fact, none that I've gone to after ever compared. There was something in the air that night that made it all the more important. Perhaps it was because of the real-life nature of the film? I don't know. What I do know is that I got these big stars to sign my movie posters. 

The big man himself, Denzel Washington, was one of the first to do it. Man, he was intimidating! Not that he scowled at me or anything like that. In fact, he was all smiles that night since he was accompanied by what looked like his son. I thought it was nice that he brought him to this particular movie premiere and that it'd be a great father-and-son bonding moment for them. But what made me feel so intimidated by him was his air. Size-wise, the man was already taller than me by a lot, but he also had confidence, swag, and star quality that made me feel inferior. Fortunately, he's a good person overall. 

As were the rest of the cast. Kate Bosworth and Ryan Gosling looked beautiful. My intuition was right in thinking that those two, out of all the younger cast members, would be the biggest. Hayden Panettiere, who was still a kid then, was uber adorable and couldn't contain her excitement. She even flashed a huge smile on her face when I asked for her autograph. I could tell I was one of the first to do so. 

Man, it was that joyful atmosphere and the inspirational message of "Remember The Titans" that will never make me forget about the film. It remains one of my all-time favorites to this day. Both the movie and the autographed posters. 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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