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Going to "Ellen" to Find Dory!

You know, there's more to watching "Ellen" live than getting free stuff! Sure, I won't deny that getting a new TV set or a trip to an exotic location are highlights, but people often forget that Ellen DeGeneres is a star in her own right. And I went for the sole purpose of getting her autograph. If she gave something in return, who am I to refuse?

Anyways, I wanted to get her to sign my "Finding Dory" posters. I wasn't able to attend the red carpet premiere. My team did, but unfortunately, they were only able to get the autographs of some cast members. Not even Ellen's! Knowing that I had a ticket to watch her later on, I decided to take on that part of the mission. And so I danced, watched her interview celebs, and prayed that she won't feature my social media posts in one of her crazy segments. I'd have to admit, though I'm not a big fan of the show per se (my mom is and I was just accompanying her), it was one of my most fun experiences! 

After the show ended, I asked one of the staff if we'll be able to meet Ellen. She then pointed me to her producer Andy Lassner, who then told me that sometimes she comes out and greets audience members, and other times she doesn't. And so I waited and prayed again, this time hoping that she will come out and greet us. 

After waiting for a short while, and many people had already exited the studio, my prayers were answered. She re-emerged from a corner somewhere and met us personally. I asked her to sign my posters and she gladly did so. 

I finally found Dory! And the best part? She signed my posters, making these memorabilia pieces quite the treasures! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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