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A Red Carpet Premiere with The Titans!

It's not every day I can boast about reveling in the presence of Hollywood titans. But there was one red carpet premiere that I went to where I did just that. Weirdly enough, it's not for a very popular film, per se, but the cast here was amazing! True titans of the industry. 

I am, of course, talking about "Wrath of the Titans." A re-telling of the classic Greek myth of Perseus, it was actually an exciting thriller that revitalized my love for Greek Mythology. I remember being so interested in it back in high school. It was the only part of my literature class that I liked. And while I mostly tanked on my other subjects, it was this course that helped me barely bass ninth grade. So yeah, I owe a lot to Greek Mythology. And any movie that will talk about its many amazing storied, I'm there! 

But it wasn't just my love for Greek Mythology that had me rushing to the red carpet sidelines for this movie's premiere. It's the cast too. Liam Neeson? Ralph Fiennes? Sam Worthington? These are just some of the best leading men the industry had has for quite a while. Granted the first two have had decades of experience and numerous accolades compared to the latter. But I know Worthington will someday match their stature in the business. 

Being the autograph hound that I am, I made sure these stars signed my posters. And boy did I accomplish that mission! I was thrilled when most of the cast approached me and gave me their autographs. Fiennes was the most gracious about it. He didn't seem annoyed at all the fanfare he got. And even when a few fans got a bit too loud and rowdy, he still had his gentle smile on. Neeson, on the other hand, had a stern look to him, even when smiling, that left many intimidated. But I wasn't! Hence, I got his autograph too! 

Worthington and Rosamund Pike also enjoyed the attention we gave them. The former proudly signed my posters while the latter gracefully did as well. Both were looked great that night too. It was a shame they're not a couple. I swear, their babies could have looked so beautiful! 

I'll probably never get close to that caliber of stars quite like that ever again. But I wouldn't mind. I'm so grateful I was able to get their attention and autographs in the first place! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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