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WWE Superstars in an Animated Penguin Film

Now, here are two things I really never thought I'd ever see: WWE superstars and animated penguins? Sounds ridiculous? Sure. But the movie was actually more awesome than I expected. Now, what movie could ever get big-ass wrestlers voicing cartoon penguins? "Surf's Up 2: Wave Mania," that movie! 

Despite the ridiculousness of it all, it was really fun attending the red carpet premiere for the movie. I wasn't even aware of the franchise at all, nevermind the stars who voiced the characters. It was just one of my team members, Mike, who persuaded me and the rest of the team to crash this premiere. 

And so we got our movie posters and went on our way. At this point, I hadn't seen the trailer yet nor new the cast members. so when Mike told us who were voicing the characters, it took all of us by surprise! 

As per Mike's insistence, the most important autographs to get were those of the WWE superstars. the first one we met was John Cena. I actually like the guy as an actor and I respect how well he's handling his acting career. As if he was always in Hollywood, he approached us in a very A-list style and signed our posters. Mike was shookt too! The second, and sadly for Mike, the last WWE star we saw was Vince McMahon. McMahon, by the way, owns the WWE! So why he would ever agree to do this sort of film, I will never know! It must feel great to be so rich that you voice animated characters in your free time. 

I almost got out of seeing the movie until Mike and the rest of his converts persuaded me to say. And you know what, I'm glad I did! The movie was nice, funny, and hilarious! Definitely, an underrated gem that more people should go see! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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