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Hugging 'Po' for The First Time

Out of all the cartoon characters in the world, my favorite is Po. I just love the furry guy! And as a tubby one myself, I can relate to his wanting to do kung-fu despite his size. I wanted to play pro-ball… until I realized I was the ball! Just Kidding! 

Seriously though, I'm such a huge fan of Jack Black in general. Though I'll always see him as 'Po,' just the fact that he was able to maintain a career with his size and shape just blows my mind! When I went to the premiere of "Kung Fu Panda 3," his autograph was the only one I wanted to get. 

Of course, it didn't hurt that I got Angelina Jolie's, Dustin Hoffman's, Bryan Cranston's, and JK Simmons' autographs too. These are, after all, Hollywood royalty! I'd never thought I'd ever be able to get their attention, but the fact that they still signed my posters meant a great deal. Quite honestly, they're giving their autographs to me tells me that, despite their superstardom, they're really nice people. At least, that's what they presented to the world that night. 

Anyways, back to Jack Black. When I finally met him, I swear you, I almost teared up! Of course, I didn't ball my eyes out in front of him. I would have humiliated myself right then and there. But still, meeting your idol for the first time is something else. There's no other feeling quite like it. And when I thanked him for standing up for us big boys in Hollywood, he gave me a massive bro hug. It was amazing! 

I'll never forget hugging 'Po,' or Jack Black! It was one of the best experiences I have as an autograph hound! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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