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Spending A Night with Some Internet-Breakers

Damn! I knew "Wreck-it Ralph" was good but by the trailers alone, I thought "Ralph Breaks The Internet" would be better. And I was right! Having watched it a few times already, I can attest that this is one of those cases wherein the sequel is actually better than the first movie. 

Again, I knew it even before I saw the film. The teasers and trailers Disney released gave us so much to get excited about, I just knew it was going to be a hit. And when I knew something was going to be a hit, I had to have the cast's autographs on its movie poster! Off I went to the Hollywood premiere of the film and saw a star-studded red carpet. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the amount of star power this movie had. Disney doesn't need all those A-list celebs to provide their voices, but we, the audience/fans, are lucky enough that they got them anyway. 

I mean, come on! Gal Gadot (Wonderwoman!), Taraji P. Henson (Empire's Cookie Lyon), and Jane Lynch (Glee's Sue Sylvester) all in one film? Getting to sign my posters will automatically make the items historic memorabilia! Fortunately, I had my team to help me. I and a couple of my friends went to the premiere and did our best to get these A-listers to sign our posters. Gal Gadot was, admittedly, the most difficult to get. Both young and old fans know her as Wonderwoman, so she had to meet most of the fans because of it. Luckily, she still got to our area before she went into the theater, which means it was one down, a few more to go! 

Taraji P. Henson, on the other hand, was more popular with older fans. And since I and my team were part of that age group, we easily got her to sign our posters. And what of Jane Lynch? Well, she's just a huge ball of energy and loved meeting all the fans on that red carpet. I'd argue she was the easiest catch out of the three!

These three women, as well as the rest of the cast (especially those who also signed our posters),  deserve all the credit in the world for making "Ralph Breaks The Internet" better than "Wreck-It Ralph!" Here's to hoping there's a third one that will trump these two! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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