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No One is As Iconic as Slash!

The 1980s really was full of icons. Not just because the stars of those days have been in the industry for decades now, but because they had their own looks. Madonna had her cone-bra, Michael Jackson had her sparkling one glove, Cyndi Lauper had her colorful outfits, and so on.

In rock music, there's one I always think of when it comes to the word 'icon,' Guns'N'Roses' Slash! His long curly hair, dark shades, and top hat—his look became a quintessential image of what a rock star looks like for all these years. He stands out, not just among his fellow Guns'N'Roses members, but against any other rockstar who ruled the 80s and until now. Some have even tried to copy his look. But of course, that's his own image and only he can rock it the best! 

I may seem so passionate about Slash but it's only because he's the only 80s icon that I've met in person. My wife works in PR, so she's able to set up or go to events that stars of Slash's caliber often frequent. One time, she went to an event held in tribute of Gun'N'Roses. I, being a huge fan of the band, was excited to go as her date. So much so I brought my Slash posters with me hoping I'd get him to sign them. My wife even got mad cause I forced her to bring a bigger bag where we can bring the posters in. 

Conveniently, and as luck would have it, Slash ended up being the only member who attended the event. And more luck for me: my wife knew him professionally. And so, like a mother bringing his son to meet Mickey Mouse for the first time in Disneyland, my wife introduced me to the rock star. Sporting his hat, shades, and still lusciously curly hair, I was in the presence of the icon. We chatted a little, I shared my love for his band, and then, relying on all my courage, I asked him to sign my posters. 

And you know what? He did! He signed every single copy and I was on cloud nine the entire time. By the time he ended, he quipped, "Think of it as a favor to your wife!". Well, Slash, it was a huge favor to me too! Thank you! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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