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How Mark Hamill Helped Me Get My Star Wars Posters Signed

By Matt Tisdale

Mark Hamill is my favorite guy in Hollywood! Not only is he Luke Skywalker himself, but he's also a stand-up guy in more ways than one. When you see him on TV profess that he's just as much a Star Wars nerd as the rest of us, believe him! In fact, he helped this Star Wars nerd get all of the cast's autographs on movie posters.

The year was 1980. I've grown to be such a Star Wars fanatic that I followed the cast everywhere. And when I heard Hamill was guest-starring on "The Muppet Show" (yes, I love them too! So what!?), I just had to be in the live-studio audience. And so just after thirty minutes of Hamill being his goofy self with a bunch of puppets, I slowly approached him and asked him to sign my poster of "Episode IV: A New Hope". He, being the gentleman that he is, gladly obliged. But when I told him that I wanted the rest of the cast to sign it too, he told me to go to a special fan event where they'd all attend. 

Talk about a great guy! Here he was, on the threshold of superstardom, and he was giving friendly advice to a mega-fan such as myself. And being the nerd that I am, of course I went to that event! How could I not!? When Luke freakin’ Skywalker tells you to do something, you do it! So whilst there, I met everyone: Fisher, Ford, Daniels, Prowse, and even George Lucas was there. I asked them to sign my many posters—told them the others were for my brothers—and they did so without so much as batting an eyelash. They really are the greatest actors in the galaxy!

Now, my brothers and I are giving sold our posters to Poster Memorabilia. And when you buy this amazing product, know that all of it was possible due to the kindness of one Mark Hamill! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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