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Meeting Mr. Ford and Mr. Ferrari in The Movies

It's not every day I meet titans of the automobile industry. And technically, I didn't... However, I did meet the fine men that portrayed them on-screen in the new movie, "Ford v Ferrari." And no, they didn't portray Mr. Ford and Mr. Ferrari per se, but rather, they starred as the engineer and racecar driver that fueled the feud in the 1960s. 

Who are these men, you ask? Carrol Shelby, played by Matt Damon, and Ken Miles, played by Christian Bale. Bourne and Batman themselves! At the premiere of the film, they showed off their Hollywood good looks for all the world to see. Label me as enchanted as I was just bewildered by their charm and charisma. So much so, my friend had to nudge me to my senses when they approached our area. 

I just couldn't help it. I've watched these men all my life. I was simply in awe of seeing them in person. Matt Damon came to us first. For a man of his age, he still looked like the strapping young man I had a crush on in "The Talented Mr. Ripley". Those dimples, man, those dimples! And Christian Bale? Thank god he wasn't in the middle of his weird weight-gain/weight-loss exercises for a movie. He was in perfect shape and was every bit the 'Bruce Wayne' I loved on-screen. 

These men are pure Hollywood through and through! I'm glad the industry isn't tired of them yet. I know I'm not! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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