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Get Used to The Name 'Elizabeth Lail!'

There comes a time when a star just emerges and completely blindsides Hollywood. Elizabeth Lail is one such star. From her debut as 'Anna' in ABC's "Once Upon A Time" to her starring role as Guinevere Beck in Netflix's "You," Lail clearly knows how to thrill TV audiences. But she's now proven she's just as thrilling on the big screen as well in her new horror flick, "Countdown." 

Here, she plays a nurse who finds out she only has three days to live. And in true horror movie fashion, she's suddenly chased by a shadowy figure who wants to make sure she's dead by that time. Suspenseful isn't even a big enough word to aptly describe her performance here. And with her success in both this film and "You," she's clearly on the rise! And so what better time to get her autograph? 

I managed to get a few copies of the movie poster and I and a few buddies of mine followed her during her press junket for the movie. For a woman who people, for whatever reason they may have, want to kill, she sure is a looker! We finally got to her at some point after a radio interview that she did and she politely signed our posters. Showing off such a nice attitude towards her fans, we knew she'd go far in this business. 

We also attended the red carpet premiere for the film in which we got the rest of the cast's autographs. But I will never forget seeing Elizabeth Lail, literally with her hair down, that day after her interview. Here's to hoping her star will shine brighter from here on in! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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