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Meeting Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo in the 21st Century

It's always crazy for me to meet the Star Wars actors of the original trilogy. They, for me, are the faces of the 80s. Even though they've aged, I will always see them as their younger selves. So to my surprise, they brought all three—Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford—back for "Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens." How would they reprise their iconic roles? I'm happy to report, still as great as ever! 

And so I had to have their autographs on that movie's poster. But since I wasn't able to to the Hollywood premiere of the film, I had to go to other events to see them. The first was Harrison Ford. Fortunately, right after "Force Awakens," Ford had another movie to promote: Blade Runner 2049. And so Han Solo himself went to my hometown of the Big Apple to do late-night talk shows. I was lucky enough to attend one of them. He was as goofy and seemed high as ever! And right after the show, he was nice enough to sign my and my buddy's posters of the "Force Awakens." 

And if you think my luck ran out when it came to Hamill and Fisher, think again. Thankfully, their characters didn't die in 'Episode VII' (spoiler alert), so Hamill attended the premiere of the Last Jedi. So aside from that movie's poster, I also asked Luke Skywalker himself to sign my "Force Awakens" posters. That was a lot of posters, but Hamill had a lot of patience then so mission achieved.

For Carrie Fisher, on the other hand, was the opposite of his on-screen (and apparently off-screen too) lover, Harrison Ford. Fisher went to the Big Apple to guest at a morning talk show, and that's where I got to her. I honestly actually thought she wouldn't have it cause it was super early, but this legend was never a diva. As long as you were respectful, as I was, she'd entertain you. So she happily signed all my posters and right then and there, I thought I died and gone to heaven! 

Legends are legends, and these three will forever be the best trio in cinematic history! I'll forever be grateful that they all signed my posters! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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