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Jared Leto is A Vampire!

I'll go to great lengths to get Jared Leto's autograph myself. I've been in love with the guy ever since I saw him in "American Psycho" so you can imagine how stoked I am that he's been skyrocketing since "Suicide Squad." But try as I might, I can't seem to get his autograph over the years. Until, however, the premiere night for "Morbius." 

My friends who have connections to the movie already offered that they'd get me autographed posters of the movie even before the premiere. But I didn't want to give up! I told them that I'd still accept and love the posters but I wanted them to leave out Jared Leto. I wanted to get his autograph myself this time around. And so, when the autographed posters arrived, most of the cast signed them. Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Tyrese Gibson, and more! Jared Leto's missing autograph practically glared at me but it also made me more motivated to get it myself. 

Finally, at the premiere, I saw the legendary Academy Award-winning actor in the flesh. He looked glorious in his white suit, looking like the beautiful vampire that he is, both in the film and in real life. I've been a fan of the guy since the 90s and I can confidently say that he still looks the same after all these years. So yeah, Jared Leto is a vampire! 

Standing in his presence was overwhelming, which further convinced me that he is, in fact, a vampire. I'm sure what I felt was the same that Dracula's victims felt when the monster approached his victims to suck their blood. I could barely muster up the courage to ask him for his autograph when he came to me and asked me if I wanted him to sign my posters. All I could do was nod awkwardly. He let out a charming smile that pierced my heart and the rest, as they say, was history. 

I wish I could relive that moment! Not so that I can change anything. I may have looked like a fool in front of my favorite actor but I don't care. I'd want to relive that moment just to be in the presence of Jared Leto all over again! I thought his autograph would be enough but after seeing him in person, I'm left wanting more! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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