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Getting to Meet One of The Biggest Bands in Music History!

I'm lucky to be alive at a time when many of the legendary rock bands of yesteryear are still alive and kicking. Sure, they're no longer in their heydays, but that doesn't mean we still can't appreciate them for that they've contributed to music! I'd argue they deserve more respect now than when they did when they were rocking out! 

One such band that I met was AC/DC/. I attended this tribute gala for the iconic group all thanks to my good buddy Alex. He works at a PR company that also promoted the said event. He got himself an extra ticket and, knowing I was a huge fan of the band, got me in. Not only that, he got me an extra pass to be able to meet the rock stars themselves. I'm not gonna lie, the thought of getting to meet them almost had me committing an accident if you know what I mean! 

The event was everything that I expected. It was a whole night of celebrating one of the greatest musical acts of the 20th century. And after discovering more about their backstory, I became even more of a fan than I did when the night began. I was so ecstatic I was in the presence of greatness. I cherished every second cause I know, deep down, I'll never have this opportunity again. I also had a plan when I meet them, just to make sure I'll never forget this amazing moment in my life.

I brought with me, stuffed in a backpack I sneaked in with Alex's help, a couple of AC/DC posters. We planned to get them signed when we had the chance to get to talk to them. So during dinner, when just about everyone was busy eating, Alex called me. We sneaked off to backstage where the band was staying and finally met the legends. It was overwhelming! 

Just by shaking their hands, I knew I was in the presence of greatness. They shared more about their story which, of course, got me to love them even more. And when it was time for us to leave, Alex asked them to sign the posters we brought. To our astonishment, they did! They signed every poster and it was even cute the way they passed each one on to the next member. It was truly heartwarming seeing these legends, one by one, write their autographs onto each poster. 

Whoever is lucky enough to buy one of these copies, know that this piece of memorabilia was touched and signed by musical greats. You can't say that about any other poster, that's for sure! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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