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Face-to-face with One of the Most Beautiful Women in Hollywood

Never did I expect that going to the premiere of what's generally an animated film will I meet one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood: Jennifer Connely. This actress has been the woman of my dreams since "Labyrinth" with David Bowie. Those eyes, that hair, those lips, that elegance—she's the perfect woman in my eyes! 

Thanks to "Alita: Battle Angel," which, for all intents and purposes, is a great film, I got to meet the goddess herself. Sure, I liked Christophe Waltz, Mahershala Ali, and Rosa Salazar, but all of them paled in comparison (in my eyes) to Jennifer Connely. 

Damn! Even at this age, she's still as beautiful as ever! Vision sure is lucky to have such a gorgeous wife! After having everyone else sign my poster, I mustered up the courage to get her to sign next. I must have sweat like a pig that night cause I was so nervous. Those piercing blue eyes looking at me, I felt like losing my mind. Thank god I didn't! And thank God she still signed my copies even though I must have looked like a mess in front of her! 

Just some advice, make sure you get yourself together before attending a red carpet premiere. You may think you're ready to meet these Hollywood stars, but when you're actually face-to-face with them, it's a whole other story entirely! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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