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A Dangerous Game To Play

In my opinion, touching any of Stephen King's literary masterpieces and adapting them into feature films has always been a dangerous game to play. Very rarely do movies really capture the riveting horror of King's works. But, in all honesty, I have to commend the 2018 Netflix adaptation of "Gerald's Game" as one of the better ones! 


As a long-time horror fan, I went to Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas that year and I was surprised to see that they actually premiered the movie there. I even saw the movie's stars on the red carpet. It was my first time seeing Hollywood actors in person. Luckily, I didn't have anything to do at that time so I decided to check out their press conference to learn more about the movie and how they adapted it. And for kicks, I also bought a few copies of the movie poster and attempted to get their autographs. 


Honestly, I didn't have much expectation, both for the film and for the actors in it. Having watched the trailer, I thought they focused more on the sexy stuff rather than what makes the story so thrilling. I was quick to brush it off as a softcore porn attempt at a Stephen King novel. But boy, did they shut me up! When I heard how well the cast and director understood the story, I was completely impressed. I was really taken by Bruce Greenwood the most. He actually understood Gerald a lot! I was fascinated enough to check out the film when it came out on Netflix. 


So, since the cast convinced me to watch the movie, I decided to really ask for their autographs seriously this time. I'm not much of an autograph hound but it was fun doing it nonetheless. Out of all of the actors there, the two leads really captivated me the most. Carla Gugino, a woman who I've seen in countless movies and TV series, was so beautiful. I don't care if this is an un-PC thing to say but she really looked good for her age. She was also pretty generous with her autographs. She signed a lot of the posters I bought that day! 


Bruce Greenwood, on the other hand, was smooth. He really had that confident, almost douchebag-like sex appeal that I always imagined Gerald had! Since he impressed me the most during their press conference, it was his autograph that I really wanted. Fortunately, Greenwood is a good guy and actually took the time to meet the fans. Like Gugino, he also signed most of my posters. He didn't even look tired writing on many posters. He just signed away and now, I had multiple posters with his autograph! Score! 


Just like the two lead stars, the rest of the cast was nice enough to give their autographs too. It was insane! That was my first time hounding for autographs like superfan and I got so many! And you know what? I'm glad I did! I eventually streamed the movie when it came out on Netflix and it really is good! It's exactly how I pictured the novel would look like! 


You never really know where life takes you or who will impress you! Take it from me! Keep an open mind and always take risks! It will benefit you in the most surprising ways! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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