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A Call To "The Mandalorian"

Today's technology is just so amazing, isn't it? Just from a push of a button or a tap on your phone you can already do so many things. This also includes getting a poster signed by a celebrity! I've been hounding for autographs in LA for years now but thanks to the new digital age, I can do it from my own home. It's like we're in Star Wars or something! 


Speaking of Star Wars, one of the most recent that I got signed was "The Mandalorian," the incredible series on Disny+. I knew from the get-go that it was gonna be a hit so I got a few copies of the poster and tried to get the cast to sign them. Unfortunately, however, when I finally got the posters, the global pandemic hit. Suddenly, everyone had to stay at home, there were no red carpet events to go to, and all I had to do was sulk and stream the series a gazillion times. 


Watching all the cool sci-fi stuff on the show reminded me that we were in the 21st century. So if I wanted something done in this day and age, I could, right? I also remembered that having been an autograph hound for more than a decade now, I've gotten acquainted with some Hollywood insiders. They weren't fancy people or anything, just regular employees in show business. Still, I was sure some of them had connections to the cast members so I reached out to them to tell them of my plight and hoped for the best.  


Luckily, to my complete and utter surprise, someone did know the cast. Or rather, he actually worked on the show himself! Man, I was so relieved, it was as if he was Yoda appearing right before my Luke skywalker in "Empire Strikes Back." I asked him if it was alright, to get my posters signed and he agreed. I sent him all of my posters and waited for months to get them back. It was an excruciating wait! I almost thought that he was pulling my balls and actually went and betrayed me or something. Like he did get the posters signed but then he sold them himself on eBay. 


I only came to know, so many months later, that the reason why it took so long was that they were actually filming the second season of "The Mandalorian" when he received my posters. He told me that as he returned them to me, all signed by most of the cast members. Pedro Pascal, Misty Rosas, Emily Swallow, Horatio Sanz, Nick Nolte, and more had their autographs on them. I couldn't believe it! I would have never gotten that many autographs had I hounded for them myself! 


This really goes to show that, just by using my phones (and Hollywood connections, of course!), I was still able to hound for autographs without leaving my house. Sure, the pandemic is rough right now, but thanks to modern technology, I wouldn't want to live in any other time than now!


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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