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Seeing Ed Sheeran on the Red Carpet

What I love most about living in LA is that I get to attend all sorts of red carpet events. Not that I ever get to go inside the building. But witnessing the glamour and mischief on the red carpet is enough for me. Especially when I see my favorite stars! 

One that I always like seeing is Ed Sheeran. He's just so stinking cute! That ginger hair, that cute smile, and those gorgeous eyes. He's a cross between a dreamboat British lad, an adorable chubby baby, and throw in one of the cuter troll dolls as well. I'm a huge fan of his music, but I'm not gonna lie, my devotion to the man springs from my physical attraction to him. 

I will never forget that fateful time when he finally noticed me in the crowd. He saw me, went straight up to me, and signed my posters. At the time, I brought along my copies of his "Jumpers for Goalposts" documentary poster. The movie centered around how he became the successful singer-songwriter he is now. 

Anyways, I have to admit, it might have been my screeching that got his attention. Well, what's a girl supposed to do? I was battling a legion of other fans, plus photographers with their noisy cameras, and media hosts trying to get them for their interviews. If I didn't do something drastic, he would have passed by me for sure. And I wasn't going to let that happen! Most especially since I was carrying some posters with me! 

What's the moral of this story? Two things! First, when you live in a big city that many stars often visit, go to as many red carpet events as you can! And second, if you want to get your idol's autograph, you gotta do what you gotta do to get his attention. 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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