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"Who's The Who?" Is the Worst Question in the World

I'm not the best autograph hound in the world and it was proven by the last time I did it. Goodness gracious did I ever embarrass myself! Well, it wasn't really me, it was my tween daughter. I love her to bits, but she sort of ruined the first (and probably the only) time I met one of the most legendary bands in music history. 

I work for a company that sponsors events for the Recording academy. As one of the business' ambassadors, I had to attend a Grammy Awards-related gala-night. I, mistakenly, brought my family. I thought they'd like seeing all the superstars there. I even thought it would have been a great bonding experience. For the most part it was, however, I realized upon entering the venue that most of the stars that were there, my kids did not have a clue as to who they were. I thought the likes of Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, and more would make me dad of the year. Alas, they didn't even go to the event. 

The only stars who were there were from my generation. Some of the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, KISS, and the like. Honestly, I was there to be an autograph hound myself. I was there to meet one band that I really wanted their autographs: The Who. I've been a fan of them since I was a teenager. Growing up, having had many chances to approach them, I could never get the confidence. Now, I was determined to get their autographs. 

I slithered on to their table as one of the ambassadors for one of the sponsors. I don't usually brag about my position in the company I work for, but in this event, it was almost mandatory. Anyways, my huge mistake was I brought my daughter with me. As I made chit-chat, I mentioned my posters and asked for their autographs. Right when I did, my kid asked loudly, "Who's The Who?" I thereby melted right then and there. I never felt so embarrassed! 

Fortunately, The Who just laughed it off. They even joked to me "That's what we'd like to know too!". They were great sports and even told me they'd sign my posters. So a few moments after, I went to my care to get the posters and let them sign it. I was amazed that they did! But still, I felt completely embarrassed about my daughter's ignorance. 

Well, that's life! Some people know your heroes, some don't. Superstars change with every generation. Now, my daughter finally knows who The Who is and she herself regrets getting their autographs too. Here's to hoping she will make up for it at my next event that they'll attend. 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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