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The "Greatest Showmen" I Ever Did See!

I'm so glad that musicals are making a comeback. In the 1950s, they used to be a dime a dozen! Nowadays, it's all about drama, realism, social issues, and whatnot. I ain't saying they're not important, but come on! We want some entertainment! Something along the lines of "The Greatest Showman!" 


Man, that movie really was the bomb! It had everything you wanted in a movie musical! An excellent cast, awesome numbers, great costumes, an inspiring plot, and a little bit of history too! It amazed me so much that I just had to get the cast's autograph. I asked the local theater to hook me up with some copies of the movie's poster, headed over to Hollywood, and attempted to meet the cast. It was the hardest work I've ever done when it came to a movie! 


I've been dabbling in autograph-hounding since my friend started a few years back. It always piqued my interest how he got so into it. And, of course, I was intrigued that he actually met all those celebrities. It seemed like fun so I tried my hand on it too! And what better place to start than in Hollywood, right? Thanks to that autograph-hounding friend of mine (who's gotten a lot of Hollywood connections), we were able to get front-row seats at a special pre-Oscars event which most of the cast attended. They talked about the movie, some performed the hit songs from the film, and everyone had a great time! 


After all the performances were done, fans who attended the event were given a chance to meet the cast at an impromptu meet-and-greet. This was where I saw my friend in action. He was meeting all these incredible stars: Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Zendaya, Michelle Williams, and the like and he was so comfortable with them. I was like, "Damn! He really has balls, doesn't he?" Perhaps it's the result of all of his autograph-hounding. That night was one of the first times I was going to do it so I was hella nervous. But I didn't want to let him down! 


So when my time was finally up, I took a deep breath and went on ahead to meet actors I've watched for years. Hugh Jackman, in particular, was my hero at some point because I grew up watching him as Wolverine. When I finally met him, I understood why he was so good at the part! He really is intimidating as hell! He was cool and nice and everything, but damn! The guy's huge! Zac Efron also looked ripped (I could tell even with the clothes he had on) but Jackman was on an entirely different level! 


Meanwhile, Michelle Williams and Zendaya were beautiful. They were stunning! I mean, TV could never do these women justice! I believe that now! And they were so incredibly nice too! I did not feel nervous asking for their autographs at all. They also didn't have any qualms about giving them to me! They signed all of my copies and passed them around to the next cast member. It was incredible! I must have looked like an idiot with my big grin throughout that night! 


After the event, my friend congratulated me on a job well done! Having held my composure, I knew I did well too! That was one of the most exciting nights of my life with some of the "greatest showmen" I've ever met! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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