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Taking A "Bloodshot" Before The Pandemic

Remember the time when going out wasn't a health risk? When we could all go gather somewhere and no one's panicking about it? God! I miss those times! This Covid-19 shit has got me effed up in more ways than one. I'm itchin' to go out and see the world. Or at least, see my fave celebrities again! The last time I did was back in March of 2020, right before the pandemic started. 


I went to the LA premiere of "Bloodshot" which starred Vin Deisel, Sam Heughan, Eiza Gonzalez, and more. It's not that I was anticipating the move or whatever, but it was one of the last red carpet events back then. At the time, cities were already starting to lock down and go on quarantine and LA was virtually the next on the list. So, of course, I didn't want to miss this! Through my connections, I got my hands on a few copies of the movie poster and went to the premiere. 


It was as glamorous as ever. Cameras were flashing all around, the very few fans who attended (including yours truly), and the media was in a frenzy trying to interview the stars. I myself looked loco hounding for autographs. Well, it wasn't that noisy so I doubt I looked like a maniac, but I'm sure I was one of the loudest among the fans there. But you know what? I frickin' worked! I caught Eiza Gonzalez's attention first. Damn, she's a babe! Easily one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, point-blank! She gave me her autograph but she stole my heart! 


The big man himself, Vin Deisel, was surprisingly nice too. Not that I thought he was an asshole or anything, but I didn't think he'd be that polite and accommodating to fans. He just has that tough-guy look, you know? Anyways, he was generous with his autographs too. Unlike Gonzalez who signed just a couple of my copies, Deisel wrote on all of them. I freaked out because I was so shocked that he took the time to do it all. Dang, I'll never judge a book by its cover ever again! Nor will I diss the long-winded "Fast & Furious" franchise either, lol! 


Finally, the last of the main trio was Sam Heughan. I'm not a huge fan of "Outlander" but I do know that this guy is a great actor. And tall too! I had to look up at him a lot just to speak to him. Luckily for me, he was nice about fans staring at him. Well, with that face of his, he should be! He, like Deisel, signed all of my posters too! It was incredible! The rest of the cast who were in attendance gave me their autographs too but it was only Deisel and Heughan who signed all of my posters. 


It's been a while since I've done something like that! I miss it so much! Come one, world! Get your shit together and take away this disease! I'm missing valuable autograph-hounding time! I'm not gonna be this young forever, you know! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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