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Spending a Dark Night with "The Dark Knight" Cast

My days working in a PR company in Hollywood was one of the best times of my life. Not only did I see the glitz of the industry up close, but I was also able to fulfill my missions of being an autograph-hound and a collector of signed movie memorabilia. I often get exclusive access to some of the world's biggest stars, and you bet your a** that I made the most out of it.

I especially remember when our company hosted a party to promote "Batman: The Dark Knight". The whole cast was there: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Cillian Murphy, and more. Heath Ledger didn't attend that night, he had a thing back in Australia at the time. 

The party was a huge success. Some of the creams of the crop in Hollywood attended, celebrating what was one of the best Batman films ever created. I was lucky enough to not only go to the party but have my copies of the said movie's poster with me that night. And it was all a matter of approaching them at the right time and with the right ammunition. 

For Michael Caine and Gary Oldman, for instance, giving them drinks usually works. You know what they say about the Brits and their alcohol! Morgan Freeman, on the other hand, responds well with food. I gathered some of the best hors d'oeuvres we had at that party and brought it to him alongside a pen and my posters. For Maggie Gyllenhall, one of the sweetest actresses you will ever meet, a nice conversation is enough. 

You see, autograph hounding, whether you have my advantages or not, is all about great timing and taking every opportunity by the horns! Once you've mastered the art, you'll get anyone's autograph. Even some of the biggest names in Hollywood. 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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