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Red Carpet Memories with The Cast of "Batman Begins"

Red carpets will always be the way to get celebrities' autographs. They always look their best, smile their prettiest, and are kinda forced to meet up with the fans. Well, not necessarily forced per se, but if they don't they risk looking like Hollywood snobs. And in this age of "cancellation culture," it's best they do not do that. 

One of the most memorable experiences I'll ever have of autograph-hounding was when I attended the red carpet premiere of "Batman Begins". It was the first time I ever heard of Christian Bale, but I didn't care that I didn't know who he was at that point. He was freakin' Batman for Christ's sake! Of course, I'm going to get his autograph. And so, when he approached me and my friends, we all asked him to sign our movie posters. He was sweet and kind; you wouldn't think he was the Hollywood type. Little did we know that he actually has a scary temper, lol! 

Katie Holmes also made a mark for me. She really is like Audrey Hepburn! She looked beautiful and elegant and her childlike beauty was so entrancing! And at the time, I think she was engaged to Tom Cruise, so the whole world was talking about. But the premiere might have been pre-couch-jumping Tom Cruise so I think the frenzy surrounding her wasn't that crazy yet. Still, she was sweetheart for taking the trouble to sign all of our posters. 

And the rest of the cast all signed our posters as well. It just goes to show that attending these red carpet events, whether movie premieres or awards show, will always be the best and often easiest way to autograph-hound! Take this tip to heart! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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