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My Uncle's Friend is A Music Legend

You can often get overwhelmed when thinking about celebrities. More so when they're legends of their craft. But deep down, they're really just fellow humans. They may have extraordinary skills, unbelievable charisma, and amazing confidence, but at the end of the day, they're just like you and me. At times, they can be friends. 

Apparently, my late uncle had a famous friend. And this wasn't your ordinary famous friend. This was Bob Dylan! Mind-blowing isn't it? To think that you're related to someone who knew such a legend! When I first heard that, I think my eyes grew so wide, they almost popped out of my face. And it was very evident with my uncle's reaction to my reaction. But really, how would you react in that situation? When your uncle tells you he knew Bob Dylan personally, what would your response be? 

Apparently, my uncle and Bob grew up together. They were next-door neighbors, so they saw each other practically every day. Even when Bob Dylan became famous, they still wrote letters to each other, usually catching up whenever they couldn't meet up in person. 

There even came a story that, at the height of Bob Dylan's fame, my uncle told his officemates that he was close to Bob, but that they didn't believe him. And so to prove it, the music icon sent a stack of signed posters to the office, the on top was specifically dedicated to his old friend, my uncle. 

Most of his workmates got the posters, but my uncle still saved a few for himself. Before he passed on, he gave me them to do whatever they want with them. And so, in honor of my dear uncle, I'm selling them here. 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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