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Meeting A Litany Stars At The Oscars

Attending the Oscars is always a fun affair. It's the most glamorous night in Hollywood! It's where stars get recognized for their extraordinary performances in the past. As an autograph hound, this event is a treasure trove of celebrities. And the best part? they're all willing to give you their autographs. 

That's why I didn't dare miss the opportunity to get "The Departed" cast's autographs when I went to the 2007 Academy Awards. The film was nominated for the Best Picture Award, as well as a Best Director nod for Martin Scorcese. So when I went to the red carpet event. I saw everybody! It was a hell of a cast, with the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Whalberg, Matt Damon, Martin Sheen, and the legendary Jack Nicholson. And you know yours truly had to get all of their autographs for my posters. 

That day, I enlisted the help of a couple of friends for two reasons. First, I had extra tickets. And second, I didn't want to approach the celebrities holding all ten copies of the poster. Fortunately for us, we had a great location, just right in front of the railings so I got to see them all up close, And see all of them, I did! This one-of-a-kind cast, all more handsome and more charismatic than the next. were a pack of true gentlemen. DiCaprio was, expectedly, the most polite out of all of them. He was all smiles signing all our posters. Not to mention those baby blues... phew! Now I know why he's such a ladies' man! 

Mark Whalberg, on the other hand, had a charisma to him that really matched his character in the film. No wonder he was the only one who got nominated for Best Supporting Actor. Think Marky Mark, his 90s rapper alter-ego, but a lot more grown-up and definitely a lot smarter. When he went up to me, I wasn't sure if he was going to beat me up or sign my posters. Thank God he did the latter! Meanwhile, Matt Damon was also as nice as ever. I've always liked him, both on and off-screen. He always seemed to have a polite aura about him that Hollywood desperately needs more of! 

As for who's the biggest movie star out of all of then, it's no contest! Jack Nicholson! When met him face-to-face, I honestly instantly felt I was in the presence of someone amazing. He wore shades—something I always felt was rather douchey—but he pulled it off! What a star!

If you ever want the entire cast of a movie to all sign your movie posters, going to the Oscars is often your best bet. I did it with "The Departed," and that was already one hell of a cast to begin with! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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