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Literally Meeting Dominic Toretto For The First Time!

As a former struggling actor living out his dream in the early 2000s, I've witnessed some of the biggest things in Hollywood. Sure, I'm not a leading man, an A-lister, heck, I'm not even a B-lister. However, as one of the thousands of "quiet guys in the room," I've seen how some of the biggest films and franchises start. 

Back at the beginning of the Millenium, I was part of the very first installment of what is now a global phenomenon of a franchise, "The Fast and The Furious!" Yep, I was often one of the people in the sidelines when Dom, Brian, Letty, and more raced their asses off in their sick cars. In fact, due to my impressive appearance, you might have even spotted me a few times and you just don't know it. I know I've seen myself in the scenes, and you know I made sure my friends and family saw me too! 

Anyways, becoming an extra is fun and all but, similarly to my fellow struggling actors, it doesn't get you a lot of jobs. However, I did enjoy a few perks. For one thing, I was one of the very few who met the characters millions of people all around the world have now fallen in love with. I saw how they were introduced, not knowing that, twenty years later, they'd still be beloved. 

I also made friends with the art department and they hooked me up real good! I just knew the movie was going to be a hit because it was really nothing anyone has seen before at that time. So, I got my entrepreneurial mind going and thought of a great money-earning idea. I asked the art department to give me some copies of the movie's poster. I then attended the premiere and got the main cast to sign them. 

The good part about this was that they all signed my copies. Each one, from Vin Deisel, Jordana Brewster, to the late great Paul Walker. They were as nice and gracious to fan as they were when we filmed their scenes. But he bad part, however, was that they didn't even recognize me. Sure, I didn't have lines and all. I was never even in a close range to most of them while filming. But boy did it hurt my ego seeing them treat me like just another fan. And not as their co-star. 

Well, I didn't care. I eventually left acting to pursue other ventures. But I'll never forget how I was able to be part of one of the movie industry's longest-running franchises. And I was able to get the stars' autographs too! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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