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Entering the "Haus of Gaga"

You know you've become an icon when your most famous outfits have formed their own museum. Down in Las Vegas, where "Mother Monster" is currently at her residency, the "Haus of Gaga" welcomes all fans to revel in all things Gaga! I was one of the lucky ones to have attended the grand opening. 

From the infamous meat dress to the Armani gown that made her look like a galaxy queen, all of Lady Gaga's most iconic outfits dazzled in the 'Haus.' And yet, even though I've dreamed of seeing these clothes in person. To examine them carefully and try to make my own. That wasn't the best part. Hell no! Of course, the best part was that I met Mother Monster herself! Yes honey, the queen was there for her grand opening! 

She looked amazing in her exquisite outfit of a black cropped tee, and pouf bright orange tulle skirt, and shimmering leather boots. Complete with her to-die-for shades and platinum blonde high ponytail, she was giving me 80s rock chic realness. A bit of Madonna here, a tinge of Pat Benetar, but all Gaga! Amazing! She was breathtaking! 

And you know yours truly just had to meet her. Darlings, when I tell you how I screamed when I met her, I swear, you might have heard my queer high voice from wherever you are in the world. That's how excited I was to meet her. And she was so frickin' cute, telling me how cute I was when we both knew that she was the cute one, okurr! And the queen even signed my posters. Every single one that I handed to her, Mother Monster wrote her own name down. She did not disappoint this little monster! 

It’s been quite a few months since that encounter but I’m still reeling in from it. I’m proud to say that I am a Lady Gaga fan forever! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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