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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters. At Your Service 🛎️

Doing A Little for "Dolittle"

Even though I'm an autograph hound, I usually don't do much. I just go on Hollywood events—red carpets, after-parties, etc.—and try my luck and getting autographs. But it's been so long that I hardly ever remember what it was like anymore. The last one was all the way back in January of 2020 at the world premiere of "Dolittle." 


I was so siked I decided to go there. Living in Hollywood helps me go to these sorts of events whenever I can. I almost feel like meeting celebrities was sort of like meeting your neighbors in town council meetings. And the one I was most excited to see this time around was Robert Downey Jr., Mr. Dolittle himself. I've met him a couple of times already during Ironman and Avengers movies red carpet premiered so this was the first time I'd ask for his autograph post-Ironman. Nevertheless, he was as charming as ever! Always eager to interact with his fans and willing to sign whatever. Even my copies of the movie poster. 


John Cena was someone I never expected to see in such an event. I grew up watching him as a wrestler during the early 2000s so seeing him become this Hollywood star was sort of weird. When he was right in front of me, signing my posters, I was so tempted to ask him to tell me his catchphrase, "You can't see me!" But I didn't. I figured it'd make annoy him. Still, he was generous enough to say hi to a fan like me and give his autographs too!


Now, the worst part about planning to hound for autographs during a red carpet event is that, sometimes, not all of the cast members would be present. Tom Holland, Octavia Spencer, Antonio Banderas, and the great Emma Thompson were MIA during the Hollywood premiere of the film. Luckily, having built up a strong network of autograph hounds over the years, I was able to ask someone connected with the film to ask the other stars to sign them. I was hesitant at first but I threw caution to the wind and waited to see if it'll happen. 


To my utter surprise, this acquaintance of mine not only got all of them to sign my poster, but he also got them to sign all of my copies! I was so astonished! I'll never forget how shocked I was when I opened the FedEx box where the posters were in and saw all the amazing autographs on each and every one. Damn! I knew the guy was well-connected but I didn't know he was that influential! On that note, that's another perk of living in Hollywood: getting connections! 


Looking back at those moments, I'm only missing red carpet events more and more. Here's to hoping things get back to normal soon! There are more autographs for me to hound out for here!


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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