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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters. Free Global Delivery. 

Getting Deadpool's Autograph as Deadpool

By Yang Clark.

I, Mr. Clark Yang, was able to get all of the cast of Deadpool's autographs! And I did it by dressing up as Deadpool himself! 

Yes, ladies and gents! Yours truly went to the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con in the whole shebang! The red and black suit, the swords, the belt... everything! And it paid off too cause I caught the attention of none other than the OG Ryan Reynolds himself. He told me that my cosplay was one of the best he's seen that day. And though I still think he was bs-ing me, I didn't care. Ryan FRICKIN' Reynolds liked my cosplay! At times, I think that was more solid than his signing my posters!

Then again, he did your boi a solid and got the main cast to sign my posters too. And yeah, you read that right, posterS!! I brought more than one cuz why wouldn't I? When will I ever get this chance to see the full cast again!? Thankfully, the rest of the cast were gracious enough to sign my posters. They too, like the big man himself, loved my costume. It was a sick day! Not only did I rock my Deadpool cosplay, but the cast... the ENTIRE FRICKIN' CAST OF DEADPOOL LIKED IT AND ALL SIGNED MY POSTERS! 

T’was the best day ever bitches!


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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