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A Poetic Encounter For The Ages!

"Oh captain, my captain!" Are there any lines that would induce goosebumps like this one? If you don't know where this line came from, consider yourself an uncultured swine. This was a famous line uttered in one of the best movies ever made, "Dead Poets Society." 

The 1989 film truly transcends time. In my opinion, the message and the lessons from that film still resonate to this day. And if you have a heart, you'll tear up during the climax scene when that famous line becomes iconic. "Dead Poets Society" remains my favorite movie ever. There's none like it and I don't think Hollywood can ever replicate it. Especially since the guy who made it so special, the late great Robin Williams, is no longer here. Fortunately, a part of him stays with me even though he's long gone. 

I understand if you think what I wrote was creepy, but get your mind out of the gutter! I'm only talking about the fact that I was able to get the late actor's autograph for when he was still alive. At a fan event that he attended, I brought my collection of "Dead Poets Society" posters and got him to sign all of them. I knew I was never gonna get another chance to see that magnificent man in the flesh after that so I exerted all of my efforts into getting his autograph. 

Years later, however, when I heard that the rest of the cast would reunite for a special anniversary event, I knew I had to go there as well and get their autographs too. I always thought that Robin Williams's autograph on these posters was enough to make them priceless. And it is! But I figured since this opportunity arose, why not take it? 

Thanks to my network of fellow fans and Hollywood connections, I got a hold of tickets to the special event. That night, with my posters on hand, I finally saw the rest of the cast, the members of the 'Dead Poets Society,' in person. To say I was thrilled is an understatement. I've seen these guys in many other movies and TV series since then, but to see them all together again to celebrate the movie got me a little teary, not gonna lie! 

Unfortunately, however, there were so many people and so much going on that I wasn't able to get their autographs. And I planned and worked so hard for it too. Feeling dejected, I initially planned to exit in defeat until I met the great Peter Weir. The genius who directed the movie. Not caring if I seemed embarrassing or not, I quickly asked him for his autograph and he gladly obliged. As he was signing each one, I couldn't help but gush at how amazing the film is and how I still love it and watch it to this day. All he did was smile back, give a polite thanks, and went on his merry way. 

Though I was never able to get the entire "Dead Poets Society" cast's autograph, I'm still grateful I got those of two of the great men behind the film. It was an honor meeting them!

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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