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A Modern Western I Didn't Know I Needed 

I wouldn't say I'm your typical 'Wild Wild West' fan. But doggone it! I may have been converted with I watched "Eminence Hill!" Think "Kill Bill" but directed by Clint Eastwood. This is the sort of vibe this movie was going for, And let me tell you, I was feeling it! 

I don't even care that the movie was reportedly panned by critics! I loved it and any Western-living fella would like it too! Heck, I enjoyed it so much I got the autographs of the stars on the movie poster! Though I did the ultimate slacking off that any advanced autograph hound would do. I relied on my connections. 

You see, the reason I found out about the film in the first place was that I had friends who worked on the movie. I had an old school buddy who assisted in the production and an ex-girlfriend who worked on makeup. Small world, right? 

Well, it's that small world that got me my autographs. I asked them to let the actors sign my posters and lo and behold, they did! I didn't know what they did or say to get them to sign it, but thank God they did! My jaw dropped when almost the entire cast signed it! 

Though I might not be able to talk to my ex for a little while (we're still friends), it does my heart good that these people took the time to help in my insatiable hobby! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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