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When You Meet A Queen, You Bow Down!

It's only normal that when you meet a queen, you bow down. And I don't just mean the Queen of England! I mean queens of industries that have helped shape the world to what it is now. Icons that have stood the test of time. And those that, until now, still demand our respect. 

I met one such queen once. Called the 'Queen of Soul,' I had the privilege of meeting the one and only Aretha Franklin. She was magical in person. Even without singing, I could feel the gravity of her talent just by being around her. Icons such as her always seem to have an aura about them. They don't need to shout their accomplishments to your face. You're just well aware that you're in the presence of greatness. 

Apparently, my uncle, my mom's brother, knew Ms. Franklin from way back. He used to be part of a band that she often performed with. And at times, they'd talk on the phone and relive their memories together. It was clear, seeing them together, that both of them went through a lot. The industry, a lot of times, was cruel to both of them. And while my uncle decided not to stay, he was clearly astonished by how Ms. Franklin not only survived but came to earn a lot of R-E-S-P-E-C-T! I was so enamored by her then that I simply bowed at her presence. She told me not to but I did it anyway. She deserved it! 

That afternoon, without paparazzi and such, my uncle, my mom, Ms. Franklin, and I had a wonderful afternoon tea, I listened intently to their stories, on all that they went through so that now, our people can enjoy more comfortable spaces within any industry. And in the end, after all, that was said and done, Ms. Franklin gave my uncle a present. Inside a beautifully wrapped box were posters of the icon, all of which she signed herself. There was one with a beautiful message to my uncle, while the others, she said, my mom and I and the rest of our family can keep. 

To this day, my uncle still keeps his framed poster of Aretha Franklin in his house. Some of the rest he gave to me to sell so we could earn a few extra bucks. We all hope you appreciate these treasured posters. They all came from the Queen herself. 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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