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Meeting A Full-Fledge American Icon

Miley Cyrus's got some balls! For her to make a song "Born in the USA" when Bruce Springsteen has a whole album with the same name was quite a risk. And, with all due respect to Cyrus and her young fans, she's still got a learn to become the American icon that is 'The Boss!' 

You know, it's not every day that I get to say that I've met an American Icon. Usually, those people are already dead or are too old to leave their own houses. But let me just flex, even for just a bit, the fact that I did meet the icon that is Bruce Springsteen once. And I even got him to sign posters for me. Yep, even I couldn't believe it when it happened! 

It was at a wedding my wife made me go to. Her cousin married someone who was related to another person who's supposedly famous. But then again, how many times ahve we heard that? how many times ahve we heard our spouses show off their relatives or friends who know a guy who knows a guy who, incidentally, knows a celebrity? Well, thank God I listened to my wife this time. Because the guy her cousin married was friends with none other than Bruce Springsteen. I bet most of the extended guests, myself included, were willing to attend the event just for him. 

True enough, at the reception, it was like a Bruce Springsteen concert. The couple was close to the icon, apparently, and so he didn't mind performing a medley of hits for the newlyweds. Even more so, Springsteen's cousin, my wife's new cousin-in-law, even asked the artist if he could entertain the guests by signing a few autographs. And he did! I brought out my "Born in the USA posters" for him to sign and he wrote on each one. What a classy guy he is! 

After my own with my lovely wife, that wedding was the best I've ever been to! I mean, if you could get an American icon to sing at your wedding, you've got gold!


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above. 

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