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The Perks of Working for a Festival

I work for a certain festival and it has its many perks. I'm able to see how these big events are produced. I can help in organizing the event. And, the best perk of all, I've met some of the biggest names in music. Not just for today, but historic icons of the industry too! 

Next year, this festival will be celebrating a huge milestone. So huge that they decided to archive their history in a coffee table book. Filled with stories, pictures, and anecdotes from some of the biggest music stars ever, this book will be a must-buy for any fan out there. For this project, I was tasked to reach out to some of the said stars. Hey, you wouldn't have a book without its content. I was put in charge of getting some from one of the biggest bands ever: Pink Floyd. 

I met with the band in a private studio where they used to record songs and hang out. They told me all of their most memorable experiences performing at the festival. One time, they said that they witnessed a music icon have a complete meltdown just minutes before he/she was supposed to go onstage. Another anecdote shared the origins of one of the worst rivalries in music history. 

Of course, as a huge PinkFloyd fan, I couldn't resist getting another perk: getting the band to sign my posters. I brought along a few copies of their iconic "Dark Side of the Moon" tour poster and got them to sign each one. Seeing them write their names left me in chills. People would have killed to have been on my spot that day. I was just lucky I worked for a festival. 

Though attending a music festival is always fun, working for one has its many perks. Try it for yourselves some time. You never know you might meet when you do! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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