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That Overwhelming Feeling of Meeting Your Idols

You never really know how you're going to act when you meet your idol. As much as you want to compose yourself. it's always overwhelming being face-to-face with someone you admire. In fact, it'd be weirder if you weren't out of control when you meet them. Something's gotta be wrong with you then! 

This is why I'm proud to confess that I lost it when I saw Guns N' Roses in person. These are true icons of music. If you don't know them, nor you're not excited by them, it's time to re-evaluate your taste in music! No other rock band, as far as I'm concerned, has impacted the music industry quite like them! They'll forever be the best and no one will ever come close to them. 

Fortunately, I was able to come close to them (not in that way, of course). It was right after a concert of theirs that I attended. Being the rockstars that they are, they barely held meet-and-greets like the snowflakes of today. They knew better to be more mysterious, hence the chase after them is more exciting. Still. they often enjoyed the attention fans gave them, myself included. 

After their concert at an outdoor stadium, in the 1980s, I ran off to where they would go from backstage to their tour bus and got them to sign my posters. It was a huge challenge, seeing as I was battling a boatload of fans to get their attention. But, my perseverance paid off! I pushed my way to the front of the line, meet the rockstars themselves, and got my posters signed! To this day, it's one of my proudest moments! 

Was I overwhelmed? You bet your ass I was! Thankfully, I was surrounded by equally sweaty and over-eager fans. I blended in with the deranged crowd and didn't look crazy myself. Sometimes, that's all you have to do when meeting your idols: look as crazy as the others!


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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